The handbook of partnership numerology

The handbook of partnership numerology

Insights and rituals for a harmonious partnership

A fulfilling partnership enriches our lives. This book and its profound psychological knowledge would like to accompany you on the way to this fulfillment. With the help of the detailed partnership analysis contained in the book, the opportunity opens up to you, strengthen your relationship skills and to grasp your partner in its entirety.

1st ed. Nov. 2014, 304 p., A5 paperback, eco paper

ISBN: 978-3-902907-07-3


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Insights and rituals for a harmonious partnership

What do you have in common with your partner?
How can you strengthen your relationship skills?
How can you bring a breath of fresh air into your partnership?

This book will help you answer these questions while offering you valuable exercises, tips and practical advice on how to develop your relationship skills and live a fulfilling, sensual and intimate partnership.

This guide uses the wisdom of numerology in combination with sound psychological knowledge and provides you with exercises and rituals. If you are not in a committed relationship and are longing for a partner, this valuable guide will help you, recognize your needs and insecurities in a couple relationship. Thanks to this clarity, you can attract people who treat you with respect and are open to committed relationships.

Let yourself be surprised by the diversity of this book and open yourself up to the new. Especially the comprehensive descriptions and exercises will help you in crisestimes of your relationship life and help you to achieve more harmony in every moment of your life together with your partner.

Optimal use

How can you work with this book?

This book accompanies you on the path to a fulfilling partnership. These steps are designed as The path to a more conscious couple relationshipcharacterized by more security and closeness.

Step 1: Explore your relationship skills

At the beginning of this path I recommend you, the test on relationship skills to carry out. This will allow you to find out which development steps are necessary to live a fulfilling partnership. Then try the recommendations and the exercises of chapters 1 and 2 with for at least one month. In the meantime, observe the effect of these recommendations on your partnership.

Step 2: Analyze the relationship ability of your life number and your partner's life number

For this step, I recommend that you analyze the life number of you and your partner and focus on the following questions.

  • What do I need to feel comfortable in a relationship?
  • What does my partner need to feel comfortable in a relationship?
  • What concrete steps can I take to respond to my partner?
  • How do I communicate my needs to my partner?

Answer these questions and formulate concrete steps to implement the knowledge gained.

Step 3: Analysis of the partnership figures

I recommend that you take this step, the partnership figures at analyze and the focus on the Clarification of the common learning task and the common challenges to set.

For whom suitable

Buy this book if

  • you your Strengthen relationship skills and want to open your heart.
  • you Finally understand your partner and their needs and lovingly respond to him.
  • you Invite the fresh wind of change into your partnership and you are looking for concrete solutions to strengthen your relationship.
  • you the Recognize relationship patterns that affect your partnership would like.
  • you the Learning task and spiritual task of your relationship with your partner.

Table of contents

Development of Psychological Numerology according to Dr. Mazza ®
Ethical principles of Psychological Numerology according to Dr. Mazza ®

Chapter 1 - Developing your own relationship skills

Exercise section for chapter 1

Chapter 2 - Developing empathetic, connecting communication

Exercise section for chapter 2

Chapter 3 - Assessing and developing your own relationship skills

Chapter 4 - Life number pairs

Chapter 5 - The common level

Chapter 6 - The dynamics of a partnership relationship

Chapter 7 - Interpretation of a partnership numeroscope

License notice and training Psychological Numerology according to Dr. Mazza ®
About the author Dr. Ernestina S. Mazza



Customer reviews

15 reviews for Das Handbuch der Partnerschaftsnumerologie

  1. Manuela S. from Lannach -

    Sifting through relationships from both sides
    Through this book, I got an insight into what burdens my partnership and why we finally - although we both try to live a harmonious relationship - always find ourselves in the same situation. My husband's point of view finally became understandable and clear to me. The exercises and help have helped me or us a lot to improve our partnership and to tackle the problems at the root. Wonderful book!

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  2. Nicole V. from Graz -

    Good overview of the potential of a partnership
    This book helps to grasp the language of the other and his soul.
    It can be seen that many misunderstandings and injuries in a partnership have nothing to do with "lack of" love, but are an expression of the differences in character of the partners.
    This book helps to grasp the partner and to recognize his language of love. This is how I came closer to my partner again.

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  3. Irene G. from Gleisdorf -

    Life enrichment
    I bought this book together with the book "The Way to Emotional Self-Reliance" because they were recommended to me, and I can only say that I am thrilled. My husband, with whom I talk a lot about what I have read, can also only confirm how insightful and helpful these books are. We are now both in the process of incorporating the recommendations given into our lives and doing the exercises. Through this, we have noticed all that is still to be found in us and in our relationship.

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  4. Marie H.W. from Gratwein -

    Improve relationship quality
    This book has helped me to enrich my or our relationship and partnership by a lot. I understood that a relationship can be a beautiful growth process and that you can only gain from it. I was so rigidly focused on the problems that I never investigated what they were actually trying to tell me. Through this book and the tools it provides, I can approach everything very differently and am much more calm.

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  5. Sarah T. from Feldbach -

    Numerology, relationship skills and more
    A great book with valuable tips and exercises, but also with many insights. This book made me realize how much you can change yourself by strengthening your relationship skills in a relationship. I can only confirm the described patterns of our partnership. Simply ingenious what numbers can express. So simple and at the same time so helpful.

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  6. Renate P. from Ilz -

    Valuable companion to happiness in partnership!
    I came across this book by chance at a moment in my life. This book has helped me understand the behavior of people around me and heal my vulnerability. Also, I was able to develop myself through the exercises in the book, which has had and still has a positive impact on my entire life. Knowing the emotional hurts helps to let go of the resentment and pain of the past and shows ways to be able to form happy relationships.

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  7. Birgit N. from Kalsdorf -

    Recognize relationship ability
    This book is not only helpful in understanding one's relationships better, but also in deciphering and developing one's own relationship skills. It was only through this book that I realized that you can contribute so much to a fulfilling partnership. Great exercises, great help, great suggestions! Absolutely recommend!

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  8. Nina F. from Gleisdorf -

    Finally read the soul of the partner!
    The combination of relationship psychology and numerology actually creates access to the soul of the partner. The many thought-provoking ideas and exercises help to build a bridge to the partner in order to shape the path of life together. Recommended for all those who are not afraid to recognize their own partnership problems and for all those who really want to change something in order to be able to love and be loved.

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  9. Marlies P. from Graz -

    Not only a numerology book
    I was convinced by this book because it not only points out problems, but also offers solutions. In addition, you get support to develop your own relationship skills and to develop appreciative communication. The helpful exercises are easy to do.

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  10. Bettina W. from Wettmannstätten -

    Connection of numerology, psychology and self-coaching
    I liked the combination of numerology, psychology and self-coaching exercises very much. I felt very understood, I can only confirm the topics described for the respective numbers and the practical recommendations are very helpful. Immediate recommendation.

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  11. Melanie T. from Fürstenfeld -

    Live relationships better!
    This book made it clear to me what I myself can contribute to a successful partnership, but also to friendships. I understood how I can get out of my relationship pattern and take care of myself so that relationships are also fulfilling for me.

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  12. Nina F. from Neusiedl am See -

    Desire for more!
    I really like the many exercises on the different topics. It makes you want to work with the book and deal with the different areas. With the help of the book, you can not only analyze your partnership, but also develop and strengthen your own relationship skills. Numerology combined with psychology - I think it's wonderful.

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  13. Nina K. from Nestelbach -

    A complete numerology system
    In the meantime I have all the books about numerology according to Dr. Mazza at home and I am completely thrilled and amazed at the same time.

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  14. Monika S. from Deutschfeistritz -

    Recognize dynamics and learning tasks in the relationship
    I came across this book by accident because I was looking for a relationship guide. Numerology was an area that I was unfamiliar with. But I figured that I had nothing to lose. Now I highly recommend this book to anyone. Calculating the numbers is very easy and you get an overview right away. Everything is explained very simply and the best thing about the book is that you don't just have a relationship guide, but that both personalities are really addressed. Strengths, traits, relationship skills, problems, blocks, beliefs - it's all covered. On this basis, you can really change something.

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  15. Helga P. from Weiz -

    Gaining understanding for the partner and oneself
    Helpful book to get understanding for the partner, oneself and the relationship. I have gained many insights that accompany me/us on the path to a fulfilling partnership. Highly recommended!

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