Energetic Tao Healing®

Energetic Tao Healing®

New ways of energy work

This substantial reference work describes and structures in an easy and understandable way the inner energetic system of the human being and the basics of energy work with chakras, Aura Layers and Energy fields. A variety of mudra exercises, Taoist exercises as well as energetic exercises round out this reference book and facilitate your work with your clients.

1st ed. May 2009, 207 p. in color, size A5, paperback

ISBN: 978-3-9502733-04


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New ways of energy work

This multifaceted reference book not only provides an excellent explanation of the anatomy of the human energy field, but also describes in detail countless treatment and reading techniques that enable anyone, even the inexperienced layperson, to enter the fascinating world of energy work.

Starting with the self-awareness of your own energy field through to the implementation of professional energetic treatments and resource-oriented readings, you will hold in your hands a well-founded and substantial guide that will introduce you step by step to the world of energy work.

Ethical discussion methods, nutrition tips, descriptions of breathing exercises and Numerous helpful illustrations and Infographicsas well as the description of mudras and much more, make this book an exciting must-read for anyone interested in energetic work. Energetic knowledge summarized in such a clear way makes this book a reference work for professionals in this field.

Optimal use

How can you work with this book?

The diverse collection of compact knowledge and instructions in this book invite you to immerse yourself in the fascinating world of energy work and discover its secrets for yourself. At the end you will find a short guide to make it easier for you to work with the book and to ensure you make the best use of the advice it contains.

Step 1: Get to know the anatomy of the human energy field

For a clear introduction to this book, it is recommended that you start by reading Chapter 1 "New ways of energy work" and Chapter 2 "Fundamentals of the human energy system". Try to memorize the topics of the chakras and the associated energy fields as you read. This knowledge will make your practical work with the subsequent self-awareness exercises or treatment techniques much easier.

Step 2: Ethics and self-awareness of your own energy field

Step 2 aims to deal with chapters 3 and 4. Read through all the exercises in these two chapters and intuitively design an exercise program for yourself using the exercise suggestions that appeal to you the most. Try to consider the following four points when designing the program:

  • Exercise for grounding
  • Exercise to strengthen awareness of the energy field
  • Exercise to strengthen the energy of the chakras
  • Visualization exercise

It is best to carry out this program daily for a period of four to six weeks. You will see how your perception of the subtle level improves and how your intuition carries you more consciously through life.

Step 3: Learn energetic treatment techniques

The aim of this step is to start with chapter 5 and thereby gain a clear overview of the many different possibilities of energetic treatments. Using the sample case studies and treatment sequences, you can then put together simple treatments and start practicing them on your own. However, you should not forget that a book with clear instructions and descriptions cannot replace professional training. So if you are interested in training in this area or would like to deepen one of the methods described in the book, you will find all the relevant information under this link.

Enjoy working with the book and thank you very much for taking the time to read these lines and the book.

For whom suitable

The purchase of this book is particularly worthwhile if

  • You the Basics of professional energy work and want to learn seriously.
  • You your perception of the subtle level of the human energy field.
  • you are already working in the energy sector and deepen your knowledge and want to develop the repertoire of your treatment techniques.
  • You are looking for effective, deep body and visualization exercises that support you in strengthening your perception and intuition and that contribute to your health.
  • You more about the human energy field and want to strengthen your perceptual skills.
  • You are looking for exercises that Strengthen your mental and physical level and support you in living more consciously.
  • You yourself for effective techniques that will give you more strength and resilience in everyday life.

Table of contents

CHAPTER ONE | New ways of working with energy

CHAPTER TWO | Fundamentals of the human energy system

Basics of the human energetic system
The aura as an archetype
The human energy field
The aura of plants and trees
The aura of the animals
Prana - the omnipresent "sea of life energy"
The seven layers of the aura (light body, energy body)
Anatomy of the energetic body
The chakras
The secondary chakras
The seven "aura layers" or "fields of the aura"
The first layer of the aura - the etheric field
The root chakra
The second layer of the aura - the vital field
The sacral chakra
The third layer of the aura - the mental field
The navel chakra
The fourth layer of the aura - the field of consciousness
The heart chakra
The fifth layer of the aura - the karmic field
The throat chakra
The sixth layer of the aura - the spiritual field
The forehead chakra
The seventh layer of the aura - the divine field
The crown chakra
Energetic blockages in the aura

CHAPTER THREE | Ethics in Energetic tao Healing®

Ethics in Energetic Tao Healing® - My path to becoming an Energetic Healer
Further obstacles on the way
On the road to freedom

CHAPTER FOUR | Self-awareness about your own energy field

Self-awareness about your own energy field
Intuition is innate
The basic skills of Energetic Tao Healing®
Breathing exercises: The natural rhythm of breathing
D-1 Exercise: Breathing the body
The "PRANAYAMA" breathing technique
D-2 Exercise: Pranayama - alternate breathing
D-3 Exercise: Activate your breathing
D-4 Exercise: Preventing stress and tension
D-5th exercise: Breathing exercise for relaxation and recovery
Exercises for mental strength and 'focused maintenance'
D-6th Exercise: Mental maintenance
D-7 Exercise: Visual maintenance
Exercises to become aware of your breathing and pause in silence
E-8th Exercise: Observing the counting of thoughts
D-9th Exercise: Thoughts
D-10th Exercise: Simply push a thought away
D-11th Exercise: Use the gap between two thoughts
E-12th Exercise: Empty mind with closed eyes
D-13 Exercise: Empty mind on the move
Basic energy work exercises
D-14 Exercise: Sensitization of the hands
D-15 Exercise: Rotate a ball of light
D-16 Exercise: Feeling the aura of a plant
Taoist exercises of the five elements
D-17 Exercise: Element water - the swan
D-18 Exercise: Element earth - the tiger
D-19th Exercise: Element fire - the eagle
D-20th Exercise: Element metal - the blue bird
D-21 Exercise: Element wood - the tree
Taoist chakra exercises
Taoist chakra exercises with mudras
D-22 Exercise: Root chakra
D-23 Exercise: Sacral chakra
D-24 Exercise: Heart Chakra
D-25th Exercise: Throat chakra
D-26 Exercise: Forehead chakra
D-27 Exercise: Crown Chakra
D-28 Exercise: Solar plexus chakra
Meditative visualization exercises
D-29 Exercise: Transferring energy from the heart to the other chakras
D-30th Exercise: Chakra color meditation
E-31 Exercise: Meditation with the aura colors
D-32 Exercise: Clearing and transformation of the physical and subtle body
E-33 Exercise: Asking the unconscious
D-34th exercise: Revitalization exercise
D-35 Exercise: Cleaning a room
Taoist energy exercises
D-36 Exercise: Connecting the energy field with nature
E-37 Exercise: Cleansing your own aura
E-38 Exercise: Light cleansing of the body
E-39 Exercise: Cleansing the chakras with a ray of light
D-40th Exercise: Delimitation and treatment with light grids
D-41 Exercise: A beam of light through the body
D-42 Exercise: The purifying flame
E-43 Exercise: The Tree of Life - Balancing Yin and Yang
D-44 Exercise: Breathing golden light
D-45 Exercise: Light pillar of power
D-46 Exercise: Cleansing the first aura layer
D-47 Exercise: Cleansing with green, silver and golden light
D-48 Exercise: Golden spiral around the body
D-49 Exercise: Energy transfer
D-50th Exercise: Sensing energy fields
D-51 Exercise: Range and limits of your own energy body
D-52 Exercise: Visualization of a blue sphere
D-53 Exercise: Exercise: The third eye as a provider of information
Empathy exercises
D-54 Exercise: Sensing plants
D-55 Exercise: Feeling differences
D-56 Exercise: Opening the heart
D-57 Exercise: Empathy for yourself
D-58 Exercise: Recognizing inner beauty
D-59 Exercise: Intuitive questioning
Exercises for aura vision
D-60. eye exercises
Aura vision training
D-61 Exercise: "Sharp" and "soft" vision
D-62 Exercise: Looking at a flame
D-63 Exercise: Recognizing the aura of a forest
D-64 Exercise: Charging the eyes
D-65 Exercise: Seeing your own aura
The role of a healthy diet in Energetic Tao Healing ®
Eat intuitively
Food is what we eat - nutrition is what we can utilize from it
Natural food - processed food
Combine foods
How much does the body need?
Some recipes

CHAPTER FIVE | Treatment techniques

Energetic Tao Healing® treatment techniques
In-depth exercises
E-1 Exercise: Protection for the aura
E-2nd Exercise: Recognizing that a person's aura is very interesting and multi-layered
E-3 Exercise: Open the mind
E-4th Exercise: Receiving the feelings of another person
Energy work: a way to dissolve energetic, physical and mental blockages
Terms and definitions of Energetic Tao Healing ®
The aura as a storehouse of information
The inner attitude when perceiving and treating
Mental attitude in Energetic Tao Healing ®
E-5 Exercise: Opening the heart chakra and transferring energy
The practice
Sensing energy fields: The chakras in treatment
E-6th Exercise: Feeling the wave of the chakras
The aura in treatment
Structure of the energetic treatment in Energetic Tao Healing ®
a) Center yourself
b) Demarcate and protect yourself
Cleansing exercises
E-7 Exercise: Breathing through the aura
E-8th Exercise: Breathing light
E-9th Exercise: Rain of light
Demarcation exercises
E-10 Exercise: The violet spiral
E-11th Exercise: Delimiting breathing exercise
E-12th Exercise: A protective shell of light
E-13 Exercise: Perceiving all layers of the aura
The colors of the demarcation exercises
Grounding exercises
E-14 Exercise: Anchoring your own aura in the earth
E-15th Exercise: The tree
E-16th Exercise: The pillar of life
Contacting the recipient
a) connect to the receiver
b) Asking for permission and expressing your pure intention
Analysis of the recipient's energetic system
Energetic treatment
Treatment techniques
The hands in the treatment
a) Entry techniques
T-1. Technique: Cleansing and expanding the aura
T-2nd technique: Chakra balancing
T-3rd technique: Chakra massage
T-4th Technique: Aura massage
T-5th Technique: Combing the aura
T-6th technique: Transferring energy from the heart to the other chakras
T-7th Technique: Cleansing the aura with a light sphere
T-8. relaxation technique
T-9th technique: Revitalization of the aura
T-10th Technique: Charging the etheric body
b) Main part
Dissolution techniques
T-11. technique: Treat with colors
T-12th technique: Energizing with a light sphere
T-13 Technique: Deleting old patterns - anchoring new information in the aura
T-14 Technique: Information, patterns or energy blockages
Remove from the aura
T-15th technique: Dissolving a pattern in a chakra with the help of a light spiral
T-16th Technique: Treating a knot in the aura
T-17th Technique: Treating a scar in the aura
T-18th Technique: Treating a tear in the aura
T- 19. technique: Treating a hole in the aura
T-20th technique: Treat an energy-empty area in the aura
c) Round finish
T-21. technology: grounding through a light sphere
T-22. technology: grounding through light rain
T-23. technology: Regenerative luminous flux
T-24th Technique: Anchoring the aura
T-25th technology: Protection for the receiver
T-26 Technology: Supporting a change process
T-27th Technique: Regenerating massage
T-28. relaxation technique
T-29th technique: The spiral of the chakras
T-30 Revitalizing technology
Case studies and longer treatment sequences
Treatment 1: Dissolution of a blocking pattern
Treatment 2: Harmonization of the transitions of the auric layers
Treatment 3: Grounding and increasing vitality
Treatment 4: Increasing intuitive abilities
Treatment 5: Dissolution of limiting patterns of belief, thought and behavior
Treatment 6: Revitalizing treatment
Treatment 7: Bring calm to your thoughts
Treatment 8: Increasing self-esteem
Treatment 9: Open the heart
Treatment 10: Anchoring a property in the energy field

CHAPTER SIX | The art of "aura reading"

The art of "aura reading" (Aurareading)
What is aura reading?
The power of thought, the mental attitude and the general technique of aura reading
The power of thought
General requirements
The general technique of aura reading
The different types of contact during a reading
1. body reading
2. capturing the aura with the spiritual eye
F-1. preliminary exercise 1: treatment of the third eye
F-2. preliminary exercise 2: Intuitive questioning
F-3. preliminary exercise 3: drawing an aurogram
3. remote reading
4. capturing the aura with the physical eyes (color reading)
The colors in the aura
Meaning of the individual colors of the aura

CHAPTER SEVEN | Interviewing

Conducting a conversation as part of an energetic consultation
Preparation of the donor
Initiate the conversation
Continue the conversation
Concluding the conversation
Archetypal rituals
Archetypal symbols
The symbolic character of archetypal elements
Short rituals with archetypal symbols



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